About soda

limo wardrobe is a regional, sustainable fashion label from Germany that has set itself the goal of creating timeless, high-quality and easy-to-combine styles for environmentally conscious, fashionable women!


I love fashion! But I don't want it to destroy our planet and ruin livelihoods. limo creates fashion that can be loved, maybe one day passed on. Clothing worth preserving and caring for.

I want to raise awareness of durable fashion. That's why the limo designs are not only convincing because of their quality. limo produces timeless fashion that can be worn and combined regardless of fashion trends.

By upcycling and processing industrial residues, as few resources as possible are used and less textile waste is also caused.

limo stands for “less is more”
A well thought-out wardrobe is more than a closet full of things that are never worn.

Fashion should be fun again and the wearer should feel good in it!


Who is behind Limo?


Let's be honest: Who really “needs” something new to wear? When we shop for clothes, many of us are torn between enjoying something new and knowing that the fashion industry is the second biggest polluter. That's why it's important to me that the limo products are made with as few resources as possible.

I am a qualified dressmaker and have a doctorate in entrepreneurship and innovation. After a few years as a consultant in the start-up industry, I was drawn back to my creative roots.

"limo is my contribution to fair fashion and offers me the
Opportunity to combine my passion for fashion and sustainability."